The Catholic Country Club

Something that I find ironic is that when I was Catholic, I felt on the outside due to the person God matched me with, who wasn’t a born and raised Catholic like I was. Now that I’m Episcopalian, I only feel on the outside with my Catholic friends. My best friend is a devoted Catholic … Continue reading

Suicide is not a ticket to Hell

Growing up, I was provided two extreme ends of the Christian spectrum. I was raised Roman Catholic and then after Confirmation, my mother dragged me to every serpent head-stomping tambourine-shaking Charismatic church she could find. Both perspectives make it absolutely clear that suicide is a one-way ticket to Hell without chance of redemption. I accepted … Continue reading

A Daytime Thought: Atheism and Religion

From time to time I’ve wondered why Atheists talk so much about Christians. I mean, I’m a Christian but outside of this very rare moment, I don’t talk about people who don’t believe in a religion. I don’t call names or point out that I might believe they are wasting their lives in a frivolous … Continue reading