Lent: Why?

I was raised Roman Catholic and have been a member of The Episcopal Church, and therefore also the greater Anglican Communion, since January 2009, so I celebrate the traditional Liturgical Calendar, which includes the Season of Lent. Lent is a forty-day period (forty-six if you count the Sundays) that traces what is believed to be … Continue reading

The Coffee Party

There’s currently two manifestations of the emerging Coffee Party on Facebook. One manifestation is Join the Coffee Party, a grass-roots movement focused on organizing a political voice to make the changes we’d like to see made through reasonable debate, research, and voting. With a desire to enable discussion, as opposed to disrupting it, the Coffee … Continue reading

The Murder of Alex Teehee, a North Port / Port Charlotte Issue

On July 13, 2008, a 20 year-old sole custodial father of two named Alex Teehee was murdered in cold blood with a hit and run that struck Teehee twice and left him for dead in Charlotte Harbor Town, Florida. He actually died hours later in Lee Memorial Hospital, Fort Myers, Florida, as a result of … Continue reading

Tea bagging is undignified for the GOP and I don’t like Facebook jerks

Very recently, I was randomly personally attacked by a “right-wing conservative” on Facebook. It was someone else’s facebook and this other person just started in on me when I wasn’t even talking to them or saying anything particularly specific or offensive. The guy was so full-throttle in his argument that he had the whole argument, … Continue reading

Love is not something you feel, it’s something you do

Love is not something you are destined to feel. Love is something you do. Love is an action. One makes the decision to dedicate oneself to another and commits to a series of affectionate acts and perceptions about another. Fate, despite its resurfaced look as predestination in some Christian sects, is a polytheistic belief. It’s … Continue reading

One woman’s imaginary choice should negate any woman having a choice, says a famous guy

So Tim Tebow, a top 2010 NFL draft pick, and his mom Pam want to take some time during the Superbowl on February 7th to talk about her getting deathly ill back in 1987 when she was pregnant with him in a context that states that her choice to keep her pregnancy somehow justifies denying … Continue reading

Racist Television?

There’s an old email forward that declares the woes of being white and how unfair it is that minorities get such special privileges, like the cable television channel Black Entertainment Television [BET]. The email insists that if there was racial equality, and not “reverse racism”, then black people would not have their own cable network, … Continue reading