
Victor Hugo wrote in the better part of the 19th century. He was prolific in Romanticism and ahead of his time for Realism. The balance of his unique dual perspective sharpened a blade that cut through modern religion, even when his novels were medievalist. Mind you, the Roman Catholic Church, of which Hugo was a … Continue reading

An excuse to hate

“Hate the sin, love the sinner.” said Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948). Most of us are aware that this quote was not Christian based, despite being seized and used repeatedly to articulate the manner in which many believe it is permissable for Christians to hate. “Hate” is the operative word. From hate comes fear, exclusivity, discrimination, and … Continue reading

Let people be

I’ve been thinking a lot about the kill the gays bill in Uganda and I’ve been trying to sort out my thoughts about it. I’m trying to get something coherent and intelligent. Unfortunately, this is a very obscene and incomprehensible event. I can’t rationally approach it. So, you get:Fuck! It’s not I love you but … Continue reading

Godly Sorrow?

Having grown up around fairly negative people throughout my childhood, I’m acutely aware of my own negativity and make conscience choices not to get too carried away with that focus. Even now, I’d had the intention of writing this post with a list of things that annoy me and couldn’t bring myself to do it. … Continue reading